Longer wire is definitely preferable and may be essential in many areas. May be a pair of wire cutters for the wire It is probably a bit much to call this a specification, but we have tabulated a summary of the highlight details of the vintage radio kit. The kit also included the coil for medium wave reception as well as the tuning capacitor, detector diode, high impedance crystal earpiece and wire to make the connections and to provide a short wire antenna. The baseboard not only provided a spacious base for the circuit and connecting up the various items of the crystal set, but it also showed the circuit elements and how they were connected - relating the circuit to the actual radio itself. Radio Shack crystal radio set kit box internals The Radio Shack crystal radio kit was based around a purpose made baseboard that showed the wiring details as well as having springs placed at the relevant points so that wires could be clipped in position by the springs.

The kit was well thought out and and provided everything that was needed. The kit contained everything needed to make a basic crystal set radio. There are just a few crystal radio kits available, but this one was probably one of the best. Radio Shack crystal radio set kit boxĪlthough the technology is now very old, and even this kit can be considered to be a vintage radio, it still has a place in teaching young people about technology. The radio is bound to hold many memories back to those who owned one many years ago and were able to make it work and receive radio stations without the need for any batteries or mains power. This crystal radio set kit was very popular and gave many people their first introduction into the technology behind radio, and as a result many people can trace their interest or even career in radio and electronics electronics design back to building this vintage radio kit. The kit was available in the 1980s and 1990s and it obviously underwent a number of changes as the stock number changed: 28-219, 28-177 and a number of others. The Radio Shack crystal radio kit with the branding Science fair, was a popular kit sold by Radio Shack in the USA, although it was also sold in other countries under the branding of Tandy, Realistic, Micronta, etc. Radio receiver history Crystal radio sets Development of the superhet radio Radio history / timeline Iconic radio receivers: Summary of iconic radio receivers Radio Shack Science Fair Crystal Radio Kit The Radio Shack crystal radio kit from the 1980s and 1990s was popular with many people, providing an introduction to radio and electronics as an interest or career.