Iphone explorer root directory
Iphone explorer root directory

iphone explorer root directory

initialChildSize - specifies the initial fractional value of the parent container's height to use when displaying the widget the default value is 0.8.elevation - specifies the z-coordinate at which to place this material relative to its parent the default value is 24.shape - specifies the shape of the bottom sheet the default is an 8dp top rounded shape.barrierColor - specifies the color of the modal barrier that darkens everything below the bottom sheet if null the default transparent color is used.constraints - specifies the size constraints to apply to the bottom sheet.The basic parameters are the same as in open (see Fullscreen Dialog). To open the bottom sheet, use the asynchronous FilesystemPicker.openBottomSheet method. constraints - specifies the size constraints to apply to the dialog.To open the popup dialog, use the asynchronous FilesystemPicker.openDialog method.

iphone explorer root directory

  • contextActions - specifies a list of actions, such as "Create Folder", which are placed in the upper right corner of the picker.
  • can be customized if not specified, takes values from FilesystemPickerDefaultOptions, if it is defined higher in the widget tree
  • theme - specifies a picker theme in which colors, fonts, icons, etc.
  • itemFilter - specifies a callback to filter the displayed files in the filesystem view (not set by default) the filesystem entity, path to the file/directory and its name are passed to the callback, the callback should return a boolean value - to display the file/directory or not.
  • folderIconColor - specifies the folder icon color.
  • requestPermission - specifies the callback to request storage permission, callers can use e.g.
  • fileTileSelectMode - specifies the mode for selecting the file item (checkmark on the right or whole tile), by default: checkmark.
  • iphone explorer root directory

    caseSensitiveFileExtensionComparison - specifies the mode of comparing extensions with the allowedExtensions list, case-sensitive or case-insensitive the default is false (case-insensitive).allowedExtensions - specifies a list of file extensions that will be displayed for selection, if empty - files with any extension are displayed.showGoUp - specifies the option to display the go to the previous level of the file system in the filesystem view the default is true.title - specifies the text of the dialog title.permissionText - specifies the text of the message that there is no permission to access the storage, by default: "Access to the storage was not granted.".pickText - specifies the text for the folder selection button (only for fsType = FilesystemType.folder).fsType - specifies the type of filesystem view (folder and files, folder only or files only), by default - specifies the current path, which should be opened in the filesystem view by default (if not specified, the rootDirectory is used) attention: this path must be inside rootDirectory.rootName - specifies the name of the filesystem view root in breadcrumbs, by default "Storage".rootDirectory - the root path to view the filesystem, required parameter.context - widget tree context, required parameter.The method takes the following parameters: The method returns the path to the selected folder or file as a string. To open the dialog, use the asynchronous method. You can open picker in three different ways: a fullscreen dialog, a popup dialog, and a bottom sheet dialog. Import package: import 'package:filesystem_picker/filesystem_picker.dart' In your flutter project add the dependency: dependencies: Allows the user to browse the file system and pick a folder or file.

    Iphone explorer root directory