If you’re somewhat new to Destiny 2 and are looking for more accessible armor sets, these are definitely worth checking out: Below you can see the Titan’s Crushing, Hunter’s Flowing, and Warlock’s Channeling armor sets, respectively: While definitely not a Raid, Trials of the Nine was the PVP endgame and rewarded players as such. These are the Shadow armor sets for Titan and Hunter, respectively (we are unfortunately still missing the Warlock’s set):

These are the Titan’s Nohr, Hunter’s Feltroc, and Warlock’s Sekris armor sets, respectively: These are the Titan’s Turris Shade, Hunter’s Equitis Shade, and Warlock’s Insigne Shade armor sets, respectively: These are the Titan’s Bulletsmith’s Ire, Hunter’s Bladesmith’s Memory, and Warlock’s Gunsmith’s Devotion armor sets, respectively (we are unfortunately still missing the Warlock’s set): These are the Of Righteousness armor sets for Titan, Hunter, and Warlock, respectively: These are the Titan’s Emperor’s Champion, Hunter’s Emperor’s Agent, and Warlock’s Emperor’s Minister armor sets, respectively: These are the Titan’s Rull, Hunter’s Ace-Defiant, and Warlock’s The Fulminator armor sets, respectively: These are the Titan’s, Hunter’s, and Warlock’s Legacy’s Oath armor sets, respectively: In this section, I’ll share some of the all-time fan-favorites, including the new armor sets, released this season: Destiny 2 Raid armor sets Deep Stone Crypt Raid armor set (Legacy Oath) This makes them prime choices to use along with your Exotic. It’s only natural they reward players with some of the most prestigious armor, both in terms of looks and high stats. Looks are, of course, subjective, but make no mistake: raid armor is among the best you can find in Destiny 2.Įndgame content such as Raids or Trials of Osiris is the most difficult content in Destiny 2. Let’s cut to the chase, you’re probably here because you’re looking for the best-looking armor sets in Destiny 2. Destiny 2 Best armor sets: Endgame content?

List updated as of Season of the Splicer (S14).

In this post, we’ll share full images of every single set in Destiny 2, but first, we’ll take a look at some of the best-looking, yet harder-to-obtain sets: endgame armor. If you want to join the effort, click here! So far, we have collected images for 455 out of the 558 total sets (counting male and female versions). ‼️ This collection is a work in progress and all help is welcome. And now that transmog is a reality, Guardians can finally take their Destiny 2 fashion to new heights. We decided to take matters into our own hands and compile full images of every armor set in the game. This makes it very difficult to discover armor that you like and therefore want to chase. In-game, you can only preview individual pieces of armor, which means you have to own and equip a complete set to actually see what it looks like. But for some reason, it’s incredibly hard to see the game’s beautiful armor sets in all their glory. You also can now reclaim all of your Festival of the Lost masks and the originally class specific shaders people received with Destiny: The Taken King are now available to all classes.Weapons may define how playing Destiny 2 feels, yet Armor is what gives our guardians an identity. This can only mean that Bungie is preparing to launch their Halloween inspired event once more and want to make sure everyone is on an even playing field. There have also been some general bug fixes and the removal of items, specifically any Festival of the Lost consumables. This marks the first time Bungie is allowing activities such as Strikes to drop high level gear and will ensure everyone has an easier chance of hitting the 385 mark.
What’s most important about this patch is that the light level drops for activities such as Strikes, Nightfalls, and the Crucible have all increased as well and will drop higher level gear. This is to ensure that more players can participate and allows for any last minute grinding of engrams. However, while the patch is officially on consoles it will not go live until 5 pm EST this evening when the Heroic version of the Wrath of the Machine raid goes live. The newest patch for Destiny has released upon the world and with it come some rather significant changes to the light leveling system that’s in place.